Miller Announces New Legislative Office Location
COLUMBIA – Rep. Brett Miller (R-East Hempfield) announced that his legislative office has moved to a new location. The new office is now open at 132 Locust St. in Columbia.
The office is located on the first floor (Unit 102) and is handicapped accessible. The phone number for the office remains 717-295-5050. The office is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
According to Miller, legislative redistricting necessitated the office move: “Since the shape of the 41st Legislative District changed as a result of redistricting, my previous district office on Columbia Avenue in Manor Township was no longer in the district.”
Miller and his staff can help with state government-related needs including:
· Birth/Death certificate applications.
· Issues and problems with Pennsylvania insurance programs: Medical Assistance, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
· Assistance with the preparation of Property Tax/Rent Rebate forms.
· Issues or questions about utilities and Public Utility Commission.
· Information on financial assistance for higher education.
· Fishing and hunting information.
· PennDOT forms for special tags and driver and vehicle services.
· Pennsylvania personal income tax forms.
· Requests for copies of legislation, bills, and regulations.
· Requests for literature for students and senior citizens.
· Citations from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for notable local accomplishments and family milestones.
· Tours of the State Capitol for individuals or groups.
· Unemployment Compensation issues.
Many services are also available online at
The 41st Legislative District consists of a portion of Manor Township, and all of East Hempfield Township, West Hempfield Township, Columbia Borough, and Mountville Borough.
Rep. Brett Miller
41st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives